Acid Fur (2021)

For a while I had been looking at texts and social interactions that make up the daily performances that go on in both personal and professional lives. I, consistently, asked what impact these performances, that emanate from ourselves and others around us, have on our sense of self and on the spaces in which we develop our creative and professional practices.

Recently, I had grown even more introspective and have been looking at what it is to exist in creative spaces with obsessive compulsive tendencies. I call the (constant) moments of intense attention to touch, movement and interaction, over-care. This over-care happens, not only to the neuro-diverse but, when our roles necessitate it as social beings and those who may care for themselves and especially those who care for others.

In my work I aim to dissect speech and what the relationship is between platitudes and genuine connectedness. What speech patterns are typically fallen back on when one person means to say one thing but, then says another. How reactions to over-care are expressed and what these speech patterns as well as the performance of over-care itself means for existing in creative and personal spaces. 


Red for Glimpse


“wondered what it was in her appearance or her character..."